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Sunday, March 6, 2011

Eating what is on hand for the next week: Day 5

So I think instead of going to the grocery store and buying new groceries, for the next week I am going to see what kind of meals I can come up with from the food that I already have in the house.

This has nothing to do with saving money, but of course that doesn't hurt either.

There was a reason I bought the food I have on hand in the first place, so the goal is to use some of it up and make room for new things. I am also going to see how many recipes I can try or make up for myself!

Day 5:
I was home all day so I actually cooked- and organized the kitchen!

Breakfast- I had apple crisp, and hot tea (bad I know)
Lunch- I made corn fritters- so I used up some canned cream corn and baking ingredients
Dinner- I made pasta, panko breaded chicken, and cranberry sauce- so I used up some pasta, frozen chicken, and cranberry sauce that I've had since thanksgiving

I also just made some people chow/monkey munch- I know it has a bunch of different names and that will be my snack for later.

You can check out the other days here!

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