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Friday, January 21, 2011

My points... a way to earn giftcards!

My points is a site I've been using for a few months now. Basically all you do is sign up, and they send you a few emails a day and once you click on the ad within the email you get 5 points or more. They also email you short surveys that are worth 50points or more! These points add up and you can cash them in for giftcards!

For example:
A starbucks $10 giftcard is 1,550 points
A panera $10 giftcard is 1,500 points
A gap $25 giftcard is 3,350 points

I currently have 4,640 points! I am saving them up for a $50 gap giftcard which is $6,350 points

Note: I have never once had any issues with spam or anything else from clicking on these emails. It is super easy to do, especially while watching tv :)

Also, I recommend getting a new email address that you use only for things you sign up for online. That way you aren't filling your personal inbox with random emails!

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