When I have people over, I love to go all out. Because usually I am just cooking for myself, and I hate leftovers. So when I can go big, I go big!
What I like to do is:
Pick a theme- this helps narrow down the options, once I did a candy and desserts theme I made cupcakes, brownies, rice krispie treats, and had a bunch of small bowls of candy. Very inexpensive and always fun!
You don't have to go over board on the menu- Steak would be nice (when isn't it?) but pick a steak that is cost effective yet delicious when made right such as skirt steak, and use fruits and veggies that are in season.
A Dinner Party does not mean you have to all sit down and eat- go with heavy apps and a dessert buffet instead- those are always the best parts of every party anyways. Make sure you have 4-6 of each app per person.
You do not have to go out and buy special plates/cups ect. Use what you have, you want people to feel relaxed in your house, so make it as homey as possible.