Seems like last Monday was forever ago, but last time we talked about organizing your desk. In a sad turn of events mine needs a little work. :) I have a few coupons to organize and some receipts to take pictures of to post for Thrifty Thursday!
So since we are on the topic of Organizing coupons-lets go with that for this week. I do not get the Sunday paper, and I know I should. Because sometimes I will see a great deal but I'm missing out because of the coupon. But at the same time there are tons of coupons online as well. I only print them if they are for a product I use or something I know I will get an excellent deal on.
Once I have the coupons printed that I want, I stick them in an envelope and write on the outside exactly what coupons I have, what they are good for and how much I save with them. Once I use them I cross it off the list. This is also handy because it is always in my purse, if I see a good deal on something I have a coupon for I can just grab it.
Other coupon organizing styles are:
the binder-where each coupon has a space in the binder and it is organized by category (this takes a ton of time and is for heavy duty couponers
The file system-where you file coupons by category in a small box such as a recipe box.( This is handy but you do not carry your box around so you can miss out on deals while out shopping).
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