This week I made a quick stop at CVS, because my dog apparently has seasonal allergies and there for needs benedryl. I find it quite amusing, but as long as he is feeling better I am happy.
I bought:
2 packs of CVS brand Benedryle $3.99 each, on sale buy one get one half off
2 Bottles of Pantene 2 for $6.97
2 Dawn dish soaps 99cents each
Total: $16.93
Coupons used:
2-$1 off Dawn from this weeks P&G insert
2- Free Pantene product coupons (from facebook promos) took off $4.99 per coupon!
Total amount out of pocket $2.97 and got back $1ECB for buying 2 bottles of Pantene
Now as it stands after 16 weeks of CVS shopping:
Total amount of products bought=$244.08
Total amount out of pocket=$31.11
Total amount of ECB received=$46.03
Total ECB's for next week=$1
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