I have SO slacked on writing this post up! I have taken a few weeks off from drugstore shopping. I know I know I need to get back to it- and I will :)
So here is the last trip I took to CVS:
1 Hersey Air Delight Candy Bar $1.19- used Free coupon from CVS coupon machine
2 Oral B Tooth Brushes $2.99 each-used 2- $2 off coupons
1 Orbal B Pulsar Tooth Brush $5.99- used $3 off coupons
2 Dove Mens Body wash $5 each-I dont remember the coupon!
2 Dove Mens deordorant $3.50 each-used B1G1 coupon?
1 Shick Hydro Razor- $9.99- free when I bought the 4 Dove Mens care products+used $4 off coupon
Used $10 ECB from last week
Total Amount of products bought $40.15
Total Amount out of pocket $.03!!
Now as it stands after 14 weeks of CVS shopping:
Total amount of products bought=$217.38
Total amount out of pocket=$24.55
Total amount of ECB received=$45.03
Total ECB's for next week=$1
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